Tube calculator

Data that you need

Get started right away with our new calculator and place it on the home screen of your phone. This way you can calculate the data you need at any time!

Open calculator

App installation instructions

We have developed the possibility to use the calculator offline. You can install the web application by following the next steps.

1. Launch the “Chrome” app

Open the Chrome browser in your application library. If it is not available, you can download it from the Google Playstore.

2. Open the website you want to add to the home screen

Enter in the search bar. The icon will link to this address.  

3. Press the menu icon

When you arrive at the webpage, press the three dots at the top right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will show the option “Add to homescreen”.

4. Tap “Add to home screen”

A new window will open on your screen. Here you can name the new icon. Then press "Add".

Open calculator

1. Launch the “Safari” app

Open the Safari browser in your application library. If it is not available, you can download it from the App Store.

2. Open the website you want to add to the home screen

Enter in the search bar. The icon will link to this address.

3. Press the menu icon

When you arrive at the website, press the three dots at the top right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will show the option “Add to homescreen”. 

4. Tap “Add to home screen”

A new window will open on your screen. Here you can name the new icon. Then press "Add to home screen".

Open calculator